Ray Bradbury Stories

Julia Blondin
1 min readFeb 1, 2021


The first story, “The Veldt,” was actually quite frightening, and the second one, “There Will Come Soft Rain,” was tragic. Both of them involve humans’ over-reliance of technology, and making advancements so great, that they end up being the demise of humanity. In both these stories, the homes in which people live in are able to speak to their owners and will do anything the homeowner asks them to do. In a way the houses have developed their own “personalities”. In “The Veldt,” we see the homeowners losing their minds because there is nothing to do, since their house can do everything for them, including raise their children for them. In the second story, it is implied that some sort of tragic event has happened and wiped out an entire city, yet the house continues to speak to the owners as if nothing happened, which sets up a very lonely atmosphere. Eventually, the house catches on fire and almost “dies”.

